How to Reset Waste Ink Counter Printer Canon Pixma iP 1880
There are some ways to reset waste ink counter in the Canon Pixma iP 1880. Waste Ink counter have full at Canon Pixma iP 1880 marked with The POWER and ALARM lamps flash alternately. If waste Ink have full the printer cannot be used. So, the printer will be able to be used again after reset. You are can use software resetter like GeneralTool or iPTool to reset Canon Pixma iP 1880, you can also do reset manual. Following its way to reset Canon Pixma iP 1880 :
A. Reset Manual.
On reset manual, sometime printer return blinking after turn on again. For reset manual following its way :
B. Using GeneralTool for canon pixma ip 1800 series
Before using GeneralTool for canon pixma ip 1800, printer driver should have been install correcly in the computer.
Using GeneralTool iP 1800...? why do not use GeneralTool iP 1880. Canon Pixma iP 1880 is canon iP 1800 series. Follow this intruction to reset the printer :
C. Using iPTool software
This is software from Rusia for canon iP series. Using this software give separate experience. this software detect automatically attached printer in the computer. following way reset to use iPTool software :
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